Dear Racist Christians

Yes, Christians Can Be Racist, Too, And MANY of Them Are

Destiny S. Harris
3 min readJun 22, 2021


Photo Credit: The Politic

Look past the strange fruit swinging in the Southern breeze and see the crowd smiling and cheering, forever immortalized by the flash of the camera. The doctors, lawyers, accountants, secretaries. The young and the old, the rich, and the poor. And some of them were devout Christians who went to church on Sunday after the lynchings. — Isiuwa Omoigui

I personally know actual “Christians” who are racist but also praise God at the same time.

For Bible readers, racist Christians remind me of the hypocritical Pharisees. The Pharisees — “devout” and holy “Christians” — were always looking for the opportunity to persecute and judge another; they were so caught up with “religion” and the rules that come along with it, they forgot how easy it is to be Christ-like: embody love — that’s it.

My thoughts — racist Christians = 100% hypocrisy

How can you be both a Christian and a racist? How can you be a Jesus follower and also hate or feel “different” towards God’s “colorful” children?

Christian ideals are often weaponized to support the architecture of race in America, and hate groups have often misappropriated its most potent

