Most People Are Addicted To Poor Results

Are You?

Destiny S. Harris
2 min readSep 12, 2020

One of these two things will happen to you in the next five years:

  • Accelerate
  • Disintegrate

Now, some people make it a habit to accelerate some, and then disintegrate some, but overall, most people stay going in one direction in life.

You are either making progress or not making progress.

What kind of results are your habits bringing you? If you kept doing exactly what you have been doing for the next five years, where will you end up? Ask yourself this question right now.

Are you happy with your answer?

None of us want to hear this, but most of us are addicted to poor results.

We are addicted to unhappiness, we are addicted to holding onto an impoverished mentality, we are addicted to being broke, we are addicted to being in debt, we are addicted to working at jobs we hate, we are addicted to unhealthy relationships, we are addicted to loathing ourselves, we are addicted to not making progress, we are addicted to not working on our dreams, we are addicted to having a lack of self-confidence, we are addicted to never giving anything we do 100%, we are addicted to…

